EDPX 2400 Time

Winter 2017
Section 1: WF 1:00-3:50 Shwayder 220
Section 2: MW 5:00-7:50 Shwayder 220
Dan Wilcox, Shwayder 215, danomatika.com
Email: daniel.wilcox[at]du[dot]edu
Voice: 412 980-7081
Office hours: WF 12-1pm & by appointment (24 hours ahead)
Section 1 TA: Anna Winter
Section 2 TA: Bart Rondet
Shwayder 220 open hours: M 1-5 & F 4-6


EDPX 2400 Syllabus

Statement for Creative Works guidelines

Successful Critique guidelines



EDP TechCheck hours & policy info: found on the landing page of the EDP website, right hand side

Audio/Visual Tech Notes: Links, howtos, & tutorials on the equipment & software needed for class


Creative statement

Exercise 1: GIF

Exercise 2: Listen

Exercise 3: Experience & Memory

Copyright discussion

Exercise 4: Color Fields

Exercise 5: Musique Concrète

Project 1: BodyCam

Project 2: Control & Chaos

Project 3: Multiples

Final Portfolio