Exercise 2: Listen
Listening is not the same as hearing and hearing is not the same as listening. - Pauline Oliveros
Successful listening is an active act, rather than a passive one. In 3 very different locations and for 15 minutes each time, make brief recordings of the sounds surrounding you, totaling 45 minutes.
For this exercise, you will need a Canon Vixia camcorder (or equivalent model) from TechCheck. Before you start recording, reformat the SD memory card in the camera. Instructions can be found on the Tech notes page.
- John Cage talking about silence
- The difference between hearing and listening - Pauline Oliveros
- 4'33" - John Cage (video)
Record three 15 minute sessions in 3 separate locations consisting of short sound segments (for a total of 45 minutes):
- Seek and record a variety of sounds
- Conduct this listening exercise starting with first listening, then recording.
- No audio segment should be more than 1 minute in length (do not start recording and just walk around).
- The greater the variety of locations, the greater the possibility for diverse sounds.
- Remove distractions such as other electronic devices.
- Make a log (spreadsheet/list) to describe the different sounds you've collected (see example form to use for this exercise).
- Do not record any audio that is a sound track or music in any form (coffee houses often have music playing and so they would not be a good location).
- Record audio at least a few miles away from the DU campus (you can utilize your free student Light Rail pass).
- Do not use understandable spoken words/conversation.
- Do not record your car. Really.
Save your completed audio with these specs: AIFF or WAV, 48k, 16bit or higher
Refer to the syllabus for subject matter that will not be accepted for projects in this class.
What To Turn In
In Progress
Record at least one 15 minute session and bring either your camera or it's SD card to class.
We will go over importing data from the camera, stripping the video, and exporting the audio in FCPX. We will then conduct the in progress critique using your exported audio.
Finished Work
Create a folder yourlastname_listen
- 3 audio files (WAV or AIFF), 1 for each 15 minute location:
, &yourlastname_listen3
- 3 detailed logs (PDF), 1 for each listening session, submit in a spreadsheet format (see example form):
, &yourlastname_log3.pdf
- 1 document (PDF) listing 5 of the most interesting times to pause and listen for the 3 different files, note the timecode for each:
- 1 brief Statement of Creative Works (PDF) addressing the 3 recordings (expand on your experience listening; why you chose the locations you did; how you made the decision to focus on particular sounds, etc):
Prepare to present your work to the class in a 5-minute presentation.
Prepare for electronic transfer onto the instructor computer at the beginning of class.
Submit work by the start of class on the due date. Work submitted after the start of class will be considered late, incomplete projects will not be accepted; in addition, work not labeled according to assignment specifications will be subject to grade adjustments - see syllabus for breakdown of grades. Save your work as you will need all deliverables for your final portfolio.