EDPX 2300 Systems

Fall 2016
MW 1:00-3:50 @ Shwayder 220
Dan Wilcox, Shwayder 215, danomatika.com
Email: daniel.wilcox[at]du[dot]edu
Voice: 412 980-7081
Office hours: MW 12-1pm & by appointment (24 hours ahead)


EDPX 2300 Syllabus

Pirate Pads:

Media Blogs:


Subject to change

09/12 Intro

Course introduction
Instructor introduction
Student introductions
Review of EDP studio policies

Systems and systems pre-history


Read Thinking in Systems Chapter 1: Basics
(search for "Thinking in Systems", click "Access Online" from book listing, click on "Access EBL", then log in)

09/14 Think/Make

Review of systems parts/characteristics/interactions
Project 1 & Project 2 overview
Systems simulation software: NetLogo


Set up Media blog
System domain 1: self-directed
Watch Mechanical Marvels, Clockwork Dreams

09/19 Think

Media blog due (send me a link)

Systems survey: biological systems
Work day


System domain 2: biological
Listen to Planet Money: When Women Stopped Coding

09/21 Make

Systems survey: sociological systems
Systems design exercise 1: Up Goer 5


System domain 3: sociological
Listen to Radio Lab: From Tree to Shining Tree

09/26 Think

Systems survey: ecological/environmental systems
Systems simulation software: NetLogo 2


System domain 4: ecological/environmental
Watch Why Learn Control Theory? & Closed Loop Control

09/28 Make

Systems survey: control/feedback systems
Work day


System domain 5: control/feedback
Watch Factory City

10/03 Think

Systems survey: industrial systems
Work day


System domain 6: industrial

10/05 Critique Midterm

Project 1 presentations

10/10 Critique Midterm

Project 1 presentations

10/12 Think/Make

Systems survey: information systems
Systems design exercise 2: Turing Machine

10/17 Make

Systems survey: computer systems
Work day

10/19 Make

Work day

10/24 Critique

Project 2 presentations

10/26 Critique

Project 2 presentations

10/31 Make

Systems survey: electronic systems
Solder workshop
Systems design exercise 3: Makey Makey

11/02 Think/Make

Systems survey: integrated systems/networks
Work day

11/07 Think/Make

Systems survey: emergent/complex systems
Work day

11/09 Make

Work day

11/14 Make

Work day

11/16 Critique

Project 3 presentations

11/21 Critique & Final Deliverables

M 2:00-3:50 Shwayder 220

Project 3 presentations

Final deliverables will include the following materials:

All Final Project files and final project documentation as a .zip archive on a USB Flash Drive to be copied onto a lab computer, including:

To be e-mailed to instructor or included with final deliverables:

Critiques/synopsis of 3 cultural events cumulative for the quarter. Note: synopsis of each cultural event should be e-mailed within 2 weeks of attendance.