Exercise 4: Color Fields

Composition in Blue - Oskar Fischinger

In this exercise, you will create a video narrative for each of your three 30-second audio files from Exercise 3 using colors, abstract shapes, effects, movement, and timing in editing. Treat this as a new work; the intent is not to recreate your real visual experience from your audio project.

The Final Cut Pro X docs have a couple sections that will be very helpful for this exercise:

Also, Youtube is full of FCPX tutorials:

A few elements of visual flow:



Create 3 video narratives using abstract shape & color for the audio stories in Exercise 3: Experience & Memory, 1 for each audio file:

Do not use: text (letters, numbers, symbols), scans, representational imagery (ie. diamond plate, wall texture, etc), drawings, video, material from the Internet or any other sources. Avoid using the cliché visuals found in FCPX.

When editing, utilize the following elements:

Save your completed videos with these specs: 720p (Apple Devices, H.264 Better Quality, 720p HD (1280x720))

Make sure to export using "Master File" destination in the Share menu & choose the correct media type & codecs in the Settings tab. In this case, it should be "Video & Audio" with "H.264" as the (compression) codec.

Refer to the syllabus for subject matter that will not be accepted for projects in this class.

What To Turn In

In Progress

Create at least one 30 second video for 1 of your audio stories in Exercise 3: yourlastname_color1.mov

Finished Work

Create a folder yourlastname_color with the following:

  1. 3 completed videos (MOV): yourlastname_color1.mov, yourlastname_color2.mov, & yourlastname_color3.mov
  2. 1 Statement of Creative Works (PDF), briefly address each video (how does the video, with the specific choices for color and motion, shift and/or enhance your audio narrative): yourlastname_color.pdf
  3. 3 screenshots (PNG) of your FCPX work space/layout correlating with the videos: yourlastname_color1.png, yourlastname_color2.png, yourlastname_color3.png

Prepare to present your work to the class in a 5-minute presentation.

Prepare for electronic transfer onto the instructor computer at the beginning of class.

Submit work by the start of class on the due date. Work submitted after the start of class will be considered late, incomplete projects will not be accepted; in addition, work not labeled according to assignment specifications will be subject to grade adjustments - see syllabus for breakdown of grades. Save your work as you will need all deliverables for your final portfolio.