Project 2: Control & Chaos
Much of our contemporary world is dominated by media outlets fabricating narratives trying to coerce us to "pick sides" and become reactionary. The concepts of "control" and "chaos" although different, also have overlapping characteristics. Use these dichotomies to your advantage and make a video exploring a critical contemporary issue.
- The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.
- Determine the behavior or supervise the running of.
- synonyms: jurisdiction, sway, power, authority, command, dominance, government, mastery, leadership, rule, sovereignty, ascendancy, charge, management, direction, supervision.
- Complete disorder and confusion.
- Behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.
- The formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.
- synonyms: disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, uproar, maelstrom, shambles.
- Spin - Brian Singer 1994
- Newstweak - Julian Oliver & Daniil Vasiliev 2011
- The sound of #politics in #2016 #news - Alex Lee 2016
- Latent Figure Protocol - Paul Vanouse 2007-09
- Makeup Robot - Simone Giertz 2016
- Hand Catching Lead - Richard Serra 1968
- Boomerang - Richard Serra & Nancy Holt 1974
- Bill Viola: Cameras are soul keepers
Create a video exploring a critical contemporary issue using the dual concepts of control & chaos:
- Your screen must be split into 2 distinct videos at all times.
- Use the 2 concepts (control & chaos) to their fullest extent, allowing that to also influence your editing and style.
- Your final video should be between 1:30 - 2 minutes (not including the end credits).
- All audio must be original; copyrighted and/or recognized songs/tunes are not permitted.
- This project must be completely edited using only FCPX.
- Use EDP Canon Vixia camcorders.
- If using the computer/smartphone/similar tech, use for less than 1 sec.
- All video should be filmed off campus and outside of the 2-mile vicinity of campus.
- Your video will also need credits: title, your name, and copyright information
Do not use: song/tune/melody (in any shape or form), and avoid recognizable sounds. Do not use text (in any form).
Create a critical narrative through filming and editing your footage. When editing, consider the following elements:
- rapid cuts
- dissolves
- multiple layers
- change of transparency
- multiple filters
- mode settings
- fade in/out
- use of motion
Save your completed videos with these specs: 720p (Apple Devices, H.264 Better Quality, 720p HD (1280x720))
Refer to the syllabus for subject matter that will not be accepted for projects in this class.
What To Turn In
Prepare a short 5-minute max presentation on your initial ideas for the project. Include inspirations, possible design ideas, & the overall approach you are planning on taking. Have at least 1 question you'd like to ask us in class.
In Progress
Record your initial footage and make an edit in FCPX. Be prepared to show this edit, either in FCPX or via an export file from your harddrive. You do not need to turn in this initial edit.
Finished Work
Create a folder yourlastname_controlchaos
- 1 completed video (MOV) with credits:
- 1 Statement for Creative Work (PDF), what do you believe is your critical content? What was your thought behind your editing decisions?:
- 1 screenshot (PNG) of your FCPX video timeline:
Prepare to present your work to the class in a 5-minute presentation.
Prepare for electronic transfer onto the instructor computer at the beginning of class.
Submit work by the start of class on the due date. Work submitted after the start of class will be considered late, incomplete projects will not be accepted; in addition, work not labeled according to assignment specifications will be subject to grade adjustments - see syllabus for breakdown of grades. Save your work as you will need all deliverables for your final portfolio.