Exercise 1: GIF

creepy hand

The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) was originally developed in the late 80s and came into use on the WWW in the 90s. In the last few years, it has seen a resurgance of popularity as a small, self-contained animated art medium in it's own right. Instead of a single image, animated GIFs contain a sequence of images (called frames) which are played back in order after a specified delay. They are easy to make and viewable in pretty much every web browser available.

In this exercise, you will create 3 animated GIFs using gifmaker.me. Strive to include enough detail/information to make your GIFS work between the line of "real life" and digital intervention – you can use multiple mediums, and layer your animations with information. The animations will be made from a series of sequential still images.

Consider: How to translate the qualities that make a still image effective? How to make an animation with no beginning, middle, or ending remain interesting? How much or little action/movement is necessary? Do you strive for resolution or ambiguity? Do you focus on subtlety or boldness?




Produce three looped animation sequences, each with a different style:

  1. Using new, original photographs you've taken (no existing photos, no image manipulation)
  2. Using appropriated material (not your own) and manipulated in Affinity Photo, Pixelmator, Photoshop, etc
  3. A combination of any of the above

Of the 3 GIFS:

Per GIF requirements:

Also, provide the individual still images used to create your GIFs. These stills should have the following specs:

Note: You will need to size your frames manually as the gitmaker.me resize functionality does not quite work as you would expect.

Refer to the syllabus for subject matter that will not be accepted for projects in this class.

What To Turn In

Create a folder yourlastname_gif containing:

Prepare to present your work to the class in a 5-minute presentation (3 GIF animations followed by student critiques).

Prepare for electronic transfer onto the instructor computer at the beginning of class.

Submit work by the start of class on the due date. Work submitted after the start of class will be considered late, incomplete projects will not be accepted; in addition, work not labeled according to assignment specifications will be subject to grade adjustments - see syllabus for breakdown of grades. Save your work as you will need all deliverables for your final portfolio.