Project 2: Interactive Visualization / Game
This project requires you to conceive and create a larger-scale Processing sketch that will utilize external libraries and an object oriented-approach in its construction. Whether you choose to create a visualization or a game, the sketch should be directly changeable by user interaction. This interaction should have a discernible feedback loop and result in new framings, presentations, or possibilities for the user.
While several libraries will be discussed in class, the project may require additional research on your part using a book, the examples in Processing, and looking at sketches from other web sites.
- Nature of Code, Daniel Shiffman, 2012. (
Please use these sites as well as any other external sources of code for inspiration. The code for your project must be created mainly by you. You may use ideas and code from other projects but you should comment and cite the source of the code. You should also comment each relevant line of the code to demonstrate your understanding of it.
For example:
This code does ... by using ... to ...
The code uses ... to create ... which ...
If code is included without adequate comments you will not receive credit for that part of the sketch.
- One sketch that includes linking to all relevant classes and libraries
- An external form of input is used to drive the output of the sketch (text files, XML, audio, video, images, etc..)
- Code must be commented to demonstrate your understanding & intention
- At least 1 library must be imported and used within the sketch
- Classes should be used to structure the project
- User interaction should be clear and have a discernible effect upon the experience
Deliverables for Project 2 will be in two stages: concept presentation & the presentation of finished work.
All ideas for this project must be presented to the class and approved. This short (5 minute max) presentation should include:
- A clear concept & basic program structure outline (classes, media, etc)
- At least 1 idea drawing
- At least 2 links to influencing work
- Optional: prototype Processing sketch(es)
You may change your idea during the creation process but you should communicate that change to me in writing or email prior to implementing the project.
Due date: 11/7
Project 2
- Concept & idea drawing(s)
- Main Processing sketch & associated media
Due date: 11/21
How to Turn in Your Work
Bring a USB key or external hard drive you can use to transfer a copy of your deliverables onto the lab computer at the front of the room. Your work should be in a subfolder named with your last name in all lowercase ie. wilcox
. Copy this folder into a folder with the class name on the Desktop. You should do this at the beginning of class, as soon as you come in.